Ultimate Order Booking App with real-time Data
Adopt latest order booking app for your sales team and distribution channel for fast order processing. OtCRM has developed this ultimate app with the help of world top FMCG and Consumer Goods companies to improve their order processing and stop all kind of fake order that waste or dump company product for months. Every user, stockist, party and distributor can place order with very ease and get updated about previous orders and more details also.
Order Booking App with Multiple Features
- Visit Order : User will feed the order by visiting the targeted customer and place after confirmation.
- Phone In Order : If company all to take order in odd hour, than employee can place order from there also.
- Town Control Sheet : If else but are there, administrator can apply company sales and order policy on employees and parties also.
- Geofencing - If company apply geofencing on order booking than it is mandatory to visit the customer than only user is able to place the order.