Salary Management software
OptCRM Offers a Salary management solution for all kind of companies where company can easily manage single salary module easily without heaving much technical knowledge of accounts or computer software. With our salary management you can define all the salary heads and assign to designations as per company policy.
How to define Salary Heads?
You can use universal salary heads and save to your portal from a simple process or you have a utility to create new salary heads as per need.
Arrears and Deduction allocation.
Our help book guide you about use of arrears and deductions. As you apply arrears and deductions and feed the slabs, system automatically calculate salary as per your created policy.
Calculation on CTC or Gross?
You are free here with our salary management system as you can create your own policy whether you want to calculate on Gross or CTC. Same salary will be processed and saved as per need.
Pay slip Solution.
As per need companies are free to create pay slip head with company details. Just need to use pay slip master and design your own pay slip format that you want to generate.