Doctor Detailing
With the help of OptCRM edetailing option manager or employee can easily details all facts and benefits of selected product to the targeted doctors. Totally offline app save your money as well as improve your brand image.
Sample Issue
Sampling to the Doctor from same window helps the user to use the tool efficiently. Employee or manager can issue samples to the targeted Doctor and feed the same in DCR right away. With the help of MIS reports of Sample, you can analyze all important fact to make better decisions.
Doctor Gift
Doctor Gift can be issued and tracked though the various reports in all hierarchy panels. Employee can feed the quantity of Gift issued to the selected Doctor while submitting the DCR. OptCRM provide the customized reports as per company need.
CRM Activity
You can control every sponsorship as OptCRM provide totally customized mechanism that run according to your strategy. Lots MIS reports help to check out the business health with selected Doctors.
Doctor RCPA
RCPA with chemist & doctors are totally different because of the seriousness of the industry. RCPA with doctor helps the companies to take snapshot of the product performance in the market as Doctors can only have the excess of real results.